The children at Tiny Trails Licensed Childcare Facility received a visit from Ms. Kim and the “1,2,3…” program. She read about alligators and monkeys. Thanks to the Cooke County Electric Charitable Foundation: Operation Roundup, each child was given a book of their own to share with their family. #123thestoryiscomingtome
On 3/1/17, the students at Sivells Bend ISD received a visit from Ms. Kim and the “1,2,3…” program. She read about alligators, chicks, and dinosaurs. Thanks to the Cooke County Electric Cooperative Foundation: Operation Roundup, each child was given a book to add to their home library. #CCLcommunityoutreach #123thestoryiscomingtome #read
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! To celebrate we read Mr. Brown can Moo and the Foot book. We had fun making animal sounds and measuring our friends. #CCLchildrensclass #drseuss #CCLauthorbirthday
Come in and see these cheery green leprechauns created by the kindergarteners at Valley View Elementary. They are here until March 11. #CCLartworkdisplay #StPatricksDay #green #leprechaun
This morning Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Kim taught a Lightbulb Lesson to the GT class at Edison Elementary. They measured two types of penguins and determined whether they were each taller or shorter than an emperor penguin. Then they were challenged to see who could make the longest paper chain. #measurement #CCLsteam #penguins
The children at Mrs. Terry’s Preschool received a visit from Ms. Kim and the “1,2,3…” program. They learned about caring for library books and heard stories about baby chicks and ducklings. Each child was given a book to add to their own library. Thank you to the Cooke County Electric Cooperative Foundation: Operation Roundup for your support of this program. #CCLcommunityoutreach #123thestoryiscomingtome
Today the “123…” program visited the pre-k classes at Muenster ISD. Ms. Kim read books about animals on the farm. Each child was given a cow book to take home thanks to the Cooke County Electric Cooperative Foundation: Operation Roundup. #CCLcommunityoutreach #123thestoryiscomingtome
On 2/8/17, Ms. Jennifer and the “123…” program visited Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Donna’s childcares. She read about caring for books, counting and monkeys. At the end of the program each child was given a book of their own. Thank you to the Cooke County Electric Cooperative Foundation: Operation Roundup for the support of this program! #CCLcommunityoutreach #123thestoryiscomingtome
The Library is open:
Monday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Tuesday: 9 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm
Curbside pickup is still available during those hours.